March 01, 2011

Tuesday Treasury

I have been away for a while. I have no excuse other than I have been sick and did not feel up to posting. First came the flu and now I have a sinus infection...but I am on the mend so here is the Tuesday Treasury.

Today I was thinking about rainy days. I thought how I missed out on the last rain we had becasue it was a rainy night and I was sleeping. Now don't get me wrong, I love sleeping when it is raining out, but I would love a rainy day when I can stay in and just do nothing.

The treasury I created for today is all about rain. Please venture over to Etsy and check out this treasury of incredible artists. Please leave me a comment there on what you like and your thoughts.

As a sampling, here are three items you will find in this treasury:

The treasury can be found by clicking here.

Thanks for looking.


  1. I love a good rainy day to just do nothing but enjoy the sound and smell of the rain. Hope you get your day soon.
    Great story. Looking forward to more.

  2. Your newest follower via LinkedIn... I am from California hope you can go visit our site at ♥Rachel

  3. I saw this on Etsy but just have to say again how much I love this!

    Today was a rainy day (actually it's been raining all week) and I've enjoyed staying in, but I'll be very happy when it's sunny again.

